of our newest badge: Community Curator.
I am sure that her future husband will find that Facebook post interesting...
, Petter Kverneng, Petter Kverneng Facebook, Cathrine Johansen, Girl Will Have Sex With Guy If He Gets 1 Million Facebook Likes, Sex For Facebook Likes, Comedy News
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2 hours ago ( 8:44 PM) well...thats nice. shes full of bullst, Petter. looks like a horny cheerleader, anyway.
Remember when those adorable kids begged for one million Facebook likes so that their parents would get them a puppy? Well, Kvernengs story is significantly less heart-warming, except, perhaps, to bros the world over.
2 hours ago ( 8:57 PM) The slideshow was hilarious. i had to do a double take on quite a few of those photos.
Petter Kverneng Promised Sex For 1 Million Facebook Likes: Norway Boys High School Crush Makes Indecent Proposal
it worked with a certain reality star...it can work for you too.
Remember, kids, condoms dont protect against search engines.
Actually, maybe tPetter Kverneng Promised Sex For 1 Million Facebook Likes Norway Boys High School Crush Makes Indecent Proposalhats for the best. Without her, unintentionally though she may be, stringing you along, you may be forced to fixate on an accessible woman.
Though Kverneng explained to a local news outlet that it started out as a joke for1 their friends, he also reportedly stated that if he hit the magic number then they would indeed hit the proverbial it.
4 hours ago ( 7:13 PM) I find it very hard to think that Facebook could be doing this new generation any good at all... Actually its doing quite the opposite...
According to Gawker, Kverneng, 20, convinced his high school crush Johansen to have with him if he, too, gets one million likes on Facebook. The post with the above image, titled Please, help me get laid, had over 1.2 million likes as of this filing.
2 hours ago ( 8:46 PM) Sad. I dont think shell actually make good on the offer, but she has nevertheless thoroughly embarrassed herself.
We can only hope that they dont video tape it and show it on Facebook and she kills herself 6 months from now from the embarrassment.
2 hours ago ( 8:51 PM) I dont know any better way to tell you this kid, so Ill just say it: Shes just not that into you. Let it go.
Click here to leave a comment. HuffPost High School welcomes a lively,Free insurance info. thoughtful debate in the comment section. Keep in mind that the articles here are penned by young authors, so please keep criticism respectful, and help us to keep this a safe and supportive place for writers of all ages to contribute.
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3 hours ago ( 7:37 PM) geez---pssst: camping and wine coolers.
3 hours ago ( 8:15 PM) I want to like the page just so I can unlike it. Go ask someone else out, kid. Even if she follows through, shes not going to feel good about it and shes not going to love you. Shell regret it, and youll probably lose her friendship.
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Meanwhile, in Norway... Petter Kverneng and his long-time crush Cathrine Johansen are about to discover a really important life lesson. That lessons name is Google.